Meridian News
Online Learning
December 1, 2019

You know what they say, “You learn something new every day.” Well, sometimes learning something new every day takes a little effort, but it’s worth it to invest in a deeper understanding of the world. One of Meridian’s best-kept secrets is that we offer online short courses. These are perfect for those of us who want to learn from the comfort of our own homes and on our own schedules. For this edition of TRIO, I want to share some classes that will be beneficial to you both personally and professionally.

1. Writing

As a writer, I may be biased on this one, but I believe writing courses are beneficial for anyone and everyone, no matter what they do for a living. Communication is essential in any job and in any relationship, and the methods we use to communicate are becoming more and more focused on the written word. There are the obvious articles, social media posts and blogs that require writing skills, but even videos use scripts that someone had to write. Getting a little professional training in writing will help you become more confident and clear. Whether it’s brushing up on your grammar, improving your business writing to help you craft more powerful, engaging documents, or finding a new creative outlet, these classes could benefit you in a number of ways.

2. Photography

Thanks to smartphones, we can snap photos of life’s beautiful moments all day long. We can’t all be professional photographers, but improving the quality of the priceless photos we take is always a good thing. The principles I learned in a photography class that I took have helped me better compose those everyday photos on my camera and my phone. Or, if you want to get a little more advanced, you can learn how to edit your photos or focus on improving your photography skills in a certain category, like photographing nature.

3. Language

You may not have plans to visit a foreign country any time soon, but learning another language has benefits beyond making travel easier. Studying another language helps you better understand your own, and it opens up insights into the culture surrounding that language. Even if you aren’t fluent, having a basic knowledge of a language can help you connect with people in a new way. My sister has become friends with strangers just by practicing speaking in their language with them, no matter how little she knows. Whether you take conversational French or Spanish for Law Enforcement, you may be surprised by the benefits you receive.

Interested in looking through the rest of our online classes? From accounting to computers, to finding a job, there is something for everyone. Click here to explore and enroll in our online classes, or call 405.377.3333 with questions. To take a class on campus, visit Sonis. To find out about more courses like this sign up for our monthly e-newsletter. View all of our upcoming courses in our digital catalog.

Abby McCain is a Communications and Marketing Specialist at Meridian Technology Center.


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